Welcome to the website of St Paul's Church, Bedford |
St Paul's is a thriving parish church in the Catholic
tradition of the Church of England, set in the heart of the
busy market and county town of Bedford. The large medieval
and later church of cathedral proportions dominates the
town, and exercises a ministry of welcome to thousands of
visitors and pilgrims from far and wide each year.
We are an all-age congregation who seek to glorify God in
worship through our flourishing choral, musical and
liturgical tradition as we celebrate His saving love
revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are a thriving, active and committed church drawn from
the immediate area and beyond, who endeavour to serve Christ
and to share his love and Good News with others in our town
and most diverse parish. The church is open every day and we
exercise a ministry of worship, witness and inclusive
welcome in the town centre with a special care for the
vulnerable and needy.
Historically, St Paul's has played a key part in the life of
our nation and is today the Civic Church of the Borough of
Bedford and the county of Bedfordshire, a focus for special commemorations and
celebrations in the borough, county and wider community. We
are also a central venue for concerts, recitals and
We do hope that you will enjoy our website and would like to
visit us. You would be warmly welcomed. If you are a
newcomer to the parish and would like more details, or you
would appreciate a visit, please make yourself known to the
clergy or the churchwardens at any service, or
contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you in person. |