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Our Safeguarding Policies and Contacts

Safeguarding Policy: Promoting a Safer Church

At its meeting on 15 January 2019, the PCC formally adopted and endorsed the approach to Safeguarding set out in the House of Bishop's "Promoting a Safer Church" policy statement.

Signed: The Reverend Canon Kevin Goss, Vicar

  Download Promoting a Safer Church
  External Web Link A Church Near You - Safeguarding

Parish and Diocesan Contacts

  Parish Safeguarding Officer Wendy Jones 07946 489063. Wendy may also be contacted through the church office 01234 340163.
  Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Jez Hirst 01727 818107
After 5pm and at weekends 07867 350886
  Vicar of St Paul's Canon Kevin Goss 01234 364638

Local Authority Contacts

  Bedford Borough Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) Office Hours 01234 718700
Out of Office Hours Reporting Child Abuse
0300 300 8123
  Bedford Borough Safeguarding Adults Team Office Hours 01234 276222
For Out of Hours Emergency Reporting 0300 300 8123
  In an emergency, always report child or adult abuse or domestic violence to police.   999


  NSPCC 0808 800 5000
  Childline 0800 1111
  Action on Elder Abuse helpline 0808 808 8141
  24 hr National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247
  NAPAC Support and Advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse 0808 801 0331
  Cruse Bereavement helpline 0808 808 1677