Sunday Eucharist (10:15am)
The Eucharist or Mass is the mainspring of all that we do, in our care
for each other and the local community. We are called to be Christ to
others, living and present in the world today.
Eucharist is the Greek word meaning 'thanksgiving'. In the Eucharist we
enter into God's presence with joy and praise, receive his forgiveness,
hear his word read from the Bible and explained in the address, and pray
for the needs of the church and the world.
Then, as we gather around the altar, the priest recalls, with
thanksgiving, how God has created us and saved us through the death and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By receiving the broken bread and sharing wine, we feed on the spiritual
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ broken and outpoured in love for us on
the Cross, so drawing our spiritual life and strength from him. We are
then sent out in the power of His Holy Spirit to live and work to His
praise and glory.