An overview
A ministry of welcome
St Paul's exercises a
ministry of welcome to the many people who come from far and wide; to the casual
visitor, tourist and pilgrim as well as to those who are rootless or
As followers of Jesus Christ we believe that we are called to imitate
his love, especially for those who feel themselves to be unloved.
A ministry of hospitality Teas and coffees, cakes and scones
are provided to shoppers and visitors each Saturday, and usually a soup
lunch before the Tuesday Concerts. Teas are also provided at the
vicarage for the biennial River Festival.
We offer regular services and enjoy visits from the senior Harpur Trust
schools: Bedford School, Bedford Modern School and Bedford Girls School.
A ministry of careWe endeavour to be proactive in reaching out
to the community.
Our pastoral team visits those in Hospital and
takes communion to several care homes; a number of our congregation work
with charities and among the homeless.
A ministry for the regionBecause of its history and situation,
St Paul's also enjoys a close relationship with the office of the Lord
Lieutenant of the County, the High Sheriff and Town Hall officers. The
church hosts a significant number of
civic services every year.
A ministry of givingThe church also raises money for
and charities through markets and fairs and the Christmas Tree
Festival as well as holding special offerings for Christian Aid and
emergency appeals.